When Solvitaire is running alongside Microsoft Solitaire the computer's graphics card is drawing to two applications, where one is foreground and one is background. This can cause problems if you have set special options for your graphics card to give most of the processing time to the foreground application at the expense of the background application.
If you really need to prioritize the foreground application then you should make an exception for the java runtime (javaw.exe) so that Solvitaire performance is not impacted.
Here are some things you can try if you have problems getting Solvitaire to work.
Try with the default blue card background to see if that solves your problem. You can also try changing your screen resolution or magnification settings.
Problems reading cards are generally related to the screen resolution.
Do not leave Solvitaire running continually with a low level debug. It will run much slower if you do. You will see a warning at startup if you forget to turn it off.
If all else fails, you can send an email to me.
We will try and help you resolve your problem, but there are no guarantees that we will have the bandwidth to do so.